Make Sure You’re Ready
October 20 2017, Dalt's Honda

Do you feel that? Something is in the air that means another summer is behind us. The mornings feel cooler. The leaves are changing colours then falling to the ground. You know what comes next. Colder weather and then that white stuff. Take the time to enjoy the fall. Maybe it’s a good time to take a road trip. We live in an area where you can spend a day on the road and see some great views.
It’s also time to think about what’s to come next and to try and be ready. One of the best things you can do is put a set of winter tires on your vehicle. If you never have, you’ll experience something that many have already. That extra feel of safety and control. It really is night and day and once you go with winter tires, you will never look back. “But it hasn’t snowed yet” you may be thinking. Many people say the same thing then when we do get that first snowfall, everyone wants to get their winter tires on at once. This can’t always be done and you may have to wait. Why not get ahead of the game and be prepared for what we all know will come. Get them done now. Avoid the wait. Have that peace of mind that when that first storm hits, you won’t have to worry about getting your winter tires done. You’ll be sipping your hot chocolate looking out at the snow thinking, glad I got those winters put on.
Have a look at our online tire store. There you can see different options and prices for your vehicle. You can even create a package for your vehicle and then you’ll be ready to book an appointment. To read about why tires, winter or others, are important click here.